This post is a long time coming, Darkstar has
actually been here since Christmas, but the
circumstances of her arrival are too funny to
not have a post.
On December 13th, I traveled out to Ferretwise
with Ozzie and Sasha so they could meet their
prospective new roommate, Darkstar. This was
a dual purpose trip, going to meet Darkstar,
and the shelter Christmas party. We got out
there in good time, it is a 2 hour ride, but
the kids slept most of the way, ( This is NOT
how the trip home was!). When we arrived we
went up to meet star.
They were let out to play and all seemed well,
there was much butt sniffing and running around.
It no fighting was evident so we went off to the
restaurant. When we got back, everyone was
sleeping. So it was determined that Darkstar
was accepted by the powers that be, Sasha and
It started snowing, so that was looking to make
the trip home fun, good thing I brought the truck!
We put everyone away in the carrier, which is the
top of Sasha and Ozzie's condo. There were a
couple of dirty looks from Sasha as she realized
that Star was coming with us. The real fun didn't
start until we got going.
About 30 minutes into the trip, Sasha voiced her
opinion about having a new roommate. The carrier
started bouncing around and they drowned out my
radio with the screeching. I pulled over and
separated them, putting Darkstar inside of her
cube so she would feel safe, and Sasha on the
other side of the carrier with Ozzie. Ozzie
kept out of the whole affair. Quiet lasted
for a good hour as they must have fallen
asleep. But as we got into Rochester, Sasha
went looking for Star and the fight resumed.
I opened the top and grabbed Sasha from the
fight, unknown to me while I was doing this
Star slipped out of the carrier. I discovered
this little development in a few moments when I
heard rustling behind my seat. So I had to pull
over and stop so I could search for Star, who
didn't want to be found. Eventually I did and
for the rest of the trip, about 10 minutes,
I held here inside my coat. This was a trick,
since the truck has a manual transmission. We
finally got home and I let them out to roam in
the ferret room. They get along a little better
now, with only an occasional scuffle. Darkstar
is settled in and used to her surroundings, so
she takes no crap from Sasha anymore. I wil post
a picture later on.

actually been here since Christmas, but the
circumstances of her arrival are too funny to
not have a post.
On December 13th, I traveled out to Ferretwise
with Ozzie and Sasha so they could meet their
prospective new roommate, Darkstar. This was
a dual purpose trip, going to meet Darkstar,
and the shelter Christmas party. We got out
there in good time, it is a 2 hour ride, but
the kids slept most of the way, ( This is NOT
how the trip home was!). When we arrived we
went up to meet star.
They were let out to play and all seemed well,
there was much butt sniffing and running around.
It no fighting was evident so we went off to the
restaurant. When we got back, everyone was
sleeping. So it was determined that Darkstar
was accepted by the powers that be, Sasha and
It started snowing, so that was looking to make
the trip home fun, good thing I brought the truck!
We put everyone away in the carrier, which is the
top of Sasha and Ozzie's condo. There were a
couple of dirty looks from Sasha as she realized
that Star was coming with us. The real fun didn't
start until we got going.
About 30 minutes into the trip, Sasha voiced her
opinion about having a new roommate. The carrier
started bouncing around and they drowned out my
radio with the screeching. I pulled over and
separated them, putting Darkstar inside of her
cube so she would feel safe, and Sasha on the
other side of the carrier with Ozzie. Ozzie
kept out of the whole affair. Quiet lasted
for a good hour as they must have fallen
asleep. But as we got into Rochester, Sasha
went looking for Star and the fight resumed.
I opened the top and grabbed Sasha from the
fight, unknown to me while I was doing this
Star slipped out of the carrier. I discovered
this little development in a few moments when I
heard rustling behind my seat. So I had to pull
over and stop so I could search for Star, who
didn't want to be found. Eventually I did and
for the rest of the trip, about 10 minutes,
I held here inside my coat. This was a trick,
since the truck has a manual transmission. We
finally got home and I let them out to roam in
the ferret room. They get along a little better
now, with only an occasional scuffle. Darkstar
is settled in and used to her surroundings, so
she takes no crap from Sasha anymore. I wil post
a picture later on.